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Small Group Ministry: Covenant (Agreements)

Small Group Ministry is about being heard and about listening. We are here to witness one another. In practice this means that we do not interrupt, engage in cross talk, or have side conversations. Nor do we give advice, even out of kindness. Sitting with the feelings of others, without judging or trying to fix them, is where the real treasure is found. Thus, we agree to the following:

  1. Engage in careful and respectful listening. Try to understand the underlying concerns and values of the speaker, whether you agree or disagree. Listen with an open heart and mind.
  2. Maintain confidentiality. Do not share the experiences, stories, or private information of anyone else in the group with others, now or in the future.
  3. Speak from your own experience. Use “I” statements, e.g. I feel, I think, I am. Be mindful of staying on topic.
  4. Value your own experiences and opinions. Your insight is a gift to the group. However, you always have the right to pass, or not speak.
  5. Help share time fairly. We all have the responsibility and privilege of making the group work.
  6. Contact one of the coaches if you cannot attend a session. If you decide to leave the group, please let one of the coaches know, so they can inform the group. We ask you to share your reasons for leaving with one of the coaches.
  7. Arrive on time. If you are running late, call the church office at 978-448-6307 (daytime groups) or one of the coaches (evening groups).
  8. Turn all electronic devices off, or to silent mode, during meetings. Use only in cases of emergency.

Follow this link to download this Covenant in PDF format.


3 Powderhouse Road … Groton, MA 01450-4700 … 978-448-6307 …   …  

Most recently updated 2014-10-04