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Small Group Ministry

For an idea of what Small Group Ministry is or can be, listen to an excerpt of Reverend Kemler’s sermon on the meaning of Small Group Ministry from fall 2009, titled “Perhaps This Gift Is Your Answer” (5 MB .mp3, 10:16 in length).

What Is Small Group Ministry?

Small group ministry at First Parish Church of Groton, and many other Unitarian Universalist churches, is about fulfilling two human hopes — for deep connection, where we can be truly known and accepted for who we are, and for spiritual exploration, time to reflect on issues of profound significance in our lives.

People gather in groups of 6 with two co-coaches to talk, listen, think and share thoughts and feelings about some of life’s most important questions. Groups are structured and focused to allow people to go deeper — within ourselves, in our connections to one another, and in our understanding of what is sacred.

What Kinds of Topics Are Discussed?

For the fall 2014 series we will be discussing these topics on successive weeks:

What Happens During a Session?

Each session includes a chalice lighting, a thought-provoking introduction to the session topic, time for honest reflection, then an opportunity to share in an atmosphere of respectful listening. Participants covenant for confidentiality and are asked to attend all sessions.

Follow the link for a sample session, Gratitude.

Small Group Covenant

So that members of groups may feel free to share what is in their hearts, members agree to abide by a covenant or set of agreements including respectful listening, confidentiality, speaking from our own experience, and committing to attend meetings. Agreeing to the covenant means everyone in the group shares responsibility for the group’s ongoing success.

Follow the link for a sample Small Group Covenant.


3 Powderhouse Road … Groton, MA 01450-4700 … 978-448-6307 …   …  

Most recently updated 2019-11-19