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First-Time Visitors

We invite you to join us at 10:00 on Sunday morning. There’s no place else the members of this community would rather be. Perhaps you’ll come to feel the same way.

Be Comfortable

There is no dress code here. You are as likely to find people wearing blue jeans as you are people wearing more formal clothing. Some of the kids wear their “Sunday Best” and some regularly wear fairy princess attire or Halloween costumes no matter the season. Recently, we all wore our pajamas! Come as you are. (Further orienting details can be gleaned from our frequently asked questions page.)

Getting Here

We are located at the intersection of Rte. 40 and Rte. 119/225 (Lowell Road and Main Street) in the center of Groton, Massachusetts. Here are a map to get here and where to park once you arrive.


There are two main entrances: an accessible door to the right of the church leads to an elevator to the sanctuary, and the front entrance is between the columns facing the Town Common and Main Street.

Before the Service

You’ll find a visitors table in the each entry to the church along with greeters to welcome you. Greeters will answer any questions, help you make a name tag (we all wear them), and provide any other needed guidance. The visitors table will have a signup sheet for our monthly newsletter and/or the weekly email bulletin.

The sanctuary is up two flights of stairs; there’s a stairway at either end of the front lobby, and if you enter at the side door the greeter will point out the back stairway and the elevator.

As you enter our sanctuary, an usher will give you an order of service and can help you to find a seat, as necessary. Ushers also can provide assisted listening devices and large-print orders of service and hymnals.

Worship Service

In the first part of our service, children remain in the sanctuary with their adults. After the Time For All Generations, we sing the children and teachers out of the sanctuary to join the religious education program downstairs. Parents should reconvene with their children after the service.

The service begins with announcements followed by the lighting of our chalice. The service is led by a member of the community, and our minister usually offers readings, leads us in a time of prayer and meditation, and preaches a sermon.

Our liturgy includes the singing of hymns, special music by the adult or children’s choir, readings, receiving of an offering (first-time visitors are invited to let the offering boxes pass them by), a sermon, meditation time, and often the lighting of candles of joy or concern. Occasionally, services include a ceremony to welcome new members or for the dedication of babies or young children.

You can find more details on our worship page, including links to recent orders of service and sermons (in both transcribed and audio form).

Following the Service

After the service we invite you to join us downstairs in the Vestry for coffee hour. Ours features coffee, tea, decaf, light refreshments, and enthusiastic and voluble conversation. Newcomers are invited to take a blue mug — this clues us in to offer you a special welcome to our church.


3 Powderhouse Road … Groton, MA 01450-4700 … 978-448-6307 …   …  

Most recently updated 2009-06-25