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2016 Sabbatical: Welcome

We are sending our minister, Rev. Elea Kemler, on sabbatical for the second time in 2016. After 8 years since her previous sabbatical, Elea will be going on another leave of absence for four months starting on January 25 and returning May 15, 2016. We survived and even thrived through her last one and we have no doubt that the same will be true this time.

The Sabbatical Committee has been working with Elea and Karen, our wonderful intern minister, to prepare for this important time. Karen, as official interim minister, will be with us throughout these upcoming four months on a part-time basis. For that reason, all the committees are ramping up to support her and our congregation in the continuing work of the church.

Unlike the previous sabbatical with different guest preachers each week, Karen will be preaching most Sundays. We anticipate that, having known and loved her since her arrival here last September, Karen will be a familiar and steady presence during these months.

Our theme for this sabbatical is pilgrimage. Elea will experience her own journey and we will have ours. This time will present a wonderful opportunity for our congregation once again to come together, reach out to each other, and support each other as we travel through our own pilgrimage personally and as a congregation.

Of course, we will miss Elea when she is gone and we know she will return with stories and adventures to share with us. We, too, will be able to share our own recounting of the path we have walked together, caring for each other.

We look forward to sharing the sabbatical experience with you.


The Sabbatical Committee
Pat Hartvigsen
Kathryn Ellis Moore
Amy Grosso
Peg Lorenz
Meghann Porter Marshall

Here is the Sabbatical Handbook for 2016 (PDF, 1.6 MB).

P.S. — Click this link for information on Rev. Kemler’s previous sabbatical in 2008.


3 Powderhouse Road … Groton, MA 01450-4700 … 978-448-6307 …   …  

Created 2016-05-19