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Summer Worship Services 2015

During the summer months, informal Sunday services are offered on the first floor of the main church building — the coolest place in town, most summers. These are lay-led services, and they start at 10:00 am. (Here are archived the services from 20142013201220112010200920082007 and 2006.)

Scroll down for the summer 2015 schedule.

Schedule for 2015

Date Leader Title, description Music by
June 28 Michael Roberts Summer Solstice: Michael starts us off, celebrating the summer solstice in our medicine wheel garden.  
July 5 Pat Fairchild, Loretto Roney WHEN in the Course of human Events…: We will read the Declaration of Independence together. Please bring some thoughts, your own or somebody else’s, on what patriotism means. And we’ll sing.  
July 12 Bob Pine, Becky Pine Gathering in the Garden: The Pines will host a service in their garden at 100 Hollis Street, Groton. Come and enjoy “nature’s cathedral”, surrounded by the daylilies in full bloom, a very different sight than at sunrise on Easter. If you wish, bring a favorite nature, environment, or garden-themed poem or reading to contribute to our exploration of the 7th principle, the interdependent web of life, and our spiritual connection to the natural world. The service will be held rain or shine, so dress for the weather. Wear or bring closed-toe shoes if you would like to explore the less-manicured areas of the property.  
July 19 Marcia Synnott The “Gift” of “Grace” and Our “Thankfulness”: We shall discuss our own experiences with receiving grace, as an unearned, even unasked-for gift. Most of us are indebted to those who helped us over our lifetime. Some do not know how to ask, nor recognize it when offered. (Please read in advance: God Will Save Me) Sue Gleason
July 26 Jack Wool Civil Rights and the Children’s Experience: Jack will examine, through a collection of award-winning books written for elementary students, middle school students, and for young adults. This discussion will center about the impact of race classification and civil rights has been on children of all ages. His hope is the stories, either true or historical fiction, are ones we can all understand and for which we can all feel empathy. Jack will bring many of the books for display and a booklist description for a handout.  
August 2 Rev. Susie Phoenix Twelfth Annual Joint Summer Service: Hosted by First Parish Church of Stow and Acton, 353 Great Road, Stow, at 10:00 am. (Here is a Google map showing how to get from Groton to the Stow church.) This year we are expanding the circle and the Stow-Acton, Harvard, and Littleton UU churches will also be joined by Groton, Lancaster, and Hudson. A “pick-up” choir will sing an introit and an anthem. All singers are welcome. Rehearsal begins at 8:30 am. Mike Pfitzer
August 9 Trish Garrigan Kindness Turned Inward: the Gift of Self Compassion: We will explore what “self- compassion” is and how it can be a useful practice in your life. We will use guided exercises to experience and learn tools to practice self- compassion. We will share thoughts and perspectives on what it means to turn kindness inward.  
August 16 Tom Roney, Loretto Roney “In the night, and overhead a shovel of stars for keeps, the people march. ‘Where to? What next?” (Carl Sandburg): A return to reflection upon the great and small, both surrounding and within us, in space and time. On such scales, wherein lies our significance? Where to? What next? Reflect upon and share our thoughts. With music and poetry.  
August 23 Margaret Burdine Poetry Sunday: Bring a poem or short written piece to share, original or not, or just come to listen. Poems will be available if you’d like to read one. Sue Gleason, Nancy Burdine
August 30 Jessica Engels Music and the Spirit: You are invited to come with a song or piece of music to share that is especially close to your heart and spirit. Bring a CD, a musical instrument, your voice, or whatever is comfortable. Bring a poem or reflection about the spiritual nature or importance of music to you. Sue Gleason, Nancy Burdine, Jessica Engels
September 6 Tom Malesnik Religion and the Arts in Colonial New England: The openness of today’s UU’s towards different expressions of spirituality, including those incorporating creative and performing arts, music, etc., can offer stark contrast to the religious traditions of Puritan (and Calvinist) New England. This service will strive to explore and lift up these differences, as a way of understanding our own contemporary worship practices. You’re invited to bring along examples of religious art that had or have meaning for you…even if they’re from previous churches or traditions.  
September 13 Rev. Elea Kemler Big church resumes: Don’t forget to bring some water from your summer soujourning. And this year, please also bring a shell. Shawn McCann

3 Powderhouse Road … Groton, MA 01450-4700 … 978-448-6307 …   …  

Most recently updated 2015-09-07